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Laser Periodontal Therapy

Traditional gum surgery involves cutting away some of the gum tissue, and reshaping the bone underneath. Laser periodontal therapy (LPT) is a less invasive technique using specialized laser to destroy the bacteria which cause the disease, and alter the tissue so that is has the opportunity to heal. The use of the laser preserves more tissue than traditional scalpel surgery, and results in a faster and less painful recovery.

Most people experience some mild soreness of the treated areas for the first few days. The tissue will appear discolored around the teeth, similar to what a scab looks like when you get it wet. It is very important NOT to brush or pick this away, as this fibrin barrier is what allows the gums underneath to get a head start creating a new attachment to the teeth.

Your bite will feel different as if the teeth don’t touch together as heavily on the treated side. This can feel imbalanced at first, but the teeth will quickly adapt. After both sides have been treated, and as further refinements are made, your bite should feel stronger and more stable than ever, and more comfortable.