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Teeth Grinding Relief

Do you habitually grind your teeth?

Teeth grinding and jaw clenching is a condition referred to as bruxism, and it can occur at any age and for various reasons.

Bruxism can lead to tooth wear and breakage, which contributes to altering a person’s bite (occlusion). This, in turn, can result in TMJ disorder, which causes nagging to debilitating symptoms.

It is important to stop bruxism so that the teeth and bite remain in good health. If teeth are repaired, but grinding still occurs, new dental work will become worn and broken.

How we can help: Your periodontist can recommend an oral appliance to prevent teeth grinding and clenching.

Many people experience bruxism while sleeping, and, thus, the appliance may be referred to as a nightguard. Many varieties of nightguards are available, and daytime appliances may also be necessary.

At your consultation, your periodontist will assess your tooth wear, recommend an appliance to eliminate bruxing, then rebuild the compromised teeth to restore your bite to the optimal position.

Dr. Allan Hynes Periodontist Inc. wants to help you with all your periodontal needs. For more information, please schedule an appointment with your periodontist, and we will be in touch with you shortly.